Tuesday, July 3, 2007
It is always wise to check the website status before joining them and see if they are in the list of scams online. Before you buy, check the company out with the local Better Business Bureau. The information in the report can help you decide if this company's record with other customers has prepared them to do business with you. There are several scam busters websites for you to visit.
Better Business Bureau (http://www.bbb.org) - You can check a company status and charity organizations. You can also file a
complaint in the site about certain company that scam you or you have a problem with.
Fraud Org (http://www.fraud.org/) - Advice, trends, and more about internet and telemarketing fraud, how to recognize the danger
signs and avoid being victimized. . You can fill up an online compalint form to their fraud center or call for an advice in their toll-free number.
Scambusters ( http://www.scambusters.com) - dedicated to helping you protect yourself from clever scams -- online and offline! You'll find lots of great resources on how to avoid the most popular scams, viruses and urban legends making the rounds.
Scam Buster
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